St. Francis Xavier is committed to helping students instill the beliefs and traditions of our Catholic Faith. Through the daily Religion classes that all students attend, our children continue on their journey to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. By providing activities and opportunities to practice patience, kindness, compassion, service, respect, and love for one another, our students learn to treat themselves and others as Jesus would.
Daily Prayer: From the beginning of each school morning, through the daily lessons and activities at school, to the end of each school day, our children have opportunities for prayer. These include memorized or spontaneous prayers, Bible verses, and special intentions of the day. As an entire school body, we pray the rosary during the May Crowning of our Blessed Mother, Mary.
School Mass: During the school year, Fr. Maria, along with the help of students, lead the celebration of our Wednesday morning school mass. All students in kindergarten through 8th grade along with their classroom teachers attend the weekly masses. Parishioners and SFX families are encouraged to join us for the celebration of mass.
Sacramental Preparation: Our SFX second-graders are prepared for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.